Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving at the Williams' House

Happy Thanksgiving!
Lauryn was the cutest little Indian in her preschool Thanksgiving Program this week~ she had a ball singing all of the songs with her friends and her cousin Ellie, the other cutest Indian!

We are thankful for our four beautiful daughters....

and that 11 of the 15 "Jones" cousins fit at our "kids table" in the garage,

that Thanksgiving day was full of family, fun and food, and that Nana and Ashton, and Kevin and Julia were able to join us this year in our celebration!

Jones Cousin Photo Op!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Soccer Season Is Over

The Soccer Season of 2008 is over!! (said with a sigh of relief and sadness)
This year Wendell was the head coach of only two teams, but with 4 practices a week plus 2 games on Saturday it was still a lot of energy and time!

Amanda played on the Blue Bandits. Her team did extremely well and was tons of fun. Amanda scored a goal in the second to last game of the season. She's a great defender and goalie but could easily play forward as well. I can't believe that next year she'll be in competitive league! Where have the years gone!?

Hayley's team was called "Woooooooooooooooo!" Megan helped out as the assistant coach. She had a lot of fun playing soccer with the girls on Hayley's team.

Wendell refers to Hayley being his "eraser" on the soccer field as she played Sweeper. This position requires her to be the last line of defense and the last resort defender. It was funny, on the sidelines Wendell would be muttering for Hayley to kick the ball out and without hearing him, Hayley would! Megan joked that they were on the same mind frequency. She's a great all around player, on the field and in goal.

What will we do now on our Saturday's with all of our free time? :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween fun!

Just wanted to share with you the girls in
their adorable Halloween costumes!
Lauryn couldn't quite decide so by day a
clown at her preschool party and by night
a princess! Amanda had a ball as
Hannah Montana - no one, even close
friends recognized her with blonde,
straight hair! Hayley and Megan were
priates, but so cute that they didn't
frighten anyone!

Hello there - this is my blog

So, out of the blue I am starting a blog. Megan, my 15 year old daughter is so impressed! And she is teaching me how to navigate blog cyberspace. Actually, in an effort to share pictures with all of you and keep up with our growing family that is spread out across the country (and ocean) and perhaps motivate me to keep an online journal....... here goes!